2023 10 09 Acord de col·laboració amb l’IME – Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona


Durant el mes d’octubre del 2023 es portarà a terme la signatura del conveni de col·laboració entre l’Institut Municipal d’Educació – Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona i l’Associació Muzio Clementi de Barcelona amb el objectiu de divulgar l’obra de Muzio Clementí i promocionar la seva música i els seus pianos com a interès cultural de la música de la ciutat de Barcelona.

Aquest acord inclou la cessió del piano de cua Collard & Collard Late Clementi de l’any 1847 restaurat per l’Associació. L’instrument històric serà presentat al públic dins del cicle de concerts Con Spirito els propers divendres 20, 27 d’octubre i 3 de novembre a les 19:30 a l’Auditori Eduard Toldrà del Conservatori Municipal de Música. El primer dels concerts serà precedit per una conferència a càrrec del Vicepresident de l’AMCB Joan Josep Gutiérrez,  en la que s’explicarà el context històric del piano Collard & Collard i el procés de restauració.

Podeu veure la programació detallada dels concerts en aquest enllaç.

Posteriorment al cicle de concerts, l’instrument romandrà a disposició del departament de piano del conservatori durant tot el curs 2023-24 per a l’organització d’activitats pedagògiques i classes magistrals de les que us anirem informant.

Podeu llegir aquesta notícia a la web del Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona seguint aquest enllaç.

2023 10 09 Acord de col·laboració amb l’IME – Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona2023-10-15T08:16:07+02:00

2023 07 26 L’AMCB declarada Entitat d’Utilitat Pública


We are pleased to inform you that the Muzio Clementi Association of Barcelona has been declared of public utility, according to RESOLUTION JUS / 2658/2023, of July 17 of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

You can read the full text in the DOGC following this link.

As you know, our association was officially constituted in 2017, although the start of activities began in 2014. In the activity memory section of our website, you can see that from the beginning we have not stopped doing things, most of them aimed at everyone.

This declaration of public utility is a recognition of our work and will benefit all the people who collaborate with their economic contributions to the association.

We will inform you of these conditions shortly.

2023 07 26 L’AMCB declarada Entitat d’Utilitat Pública2023-10-16T22:18:46+02:00

2019 05 29: The Museu de la Música publishes a book about its Zumpe & Buntebart square piano

The Museu de la Música de Barcelona has published an interesting book on its piano table Zumpe & Buntebart. You will find more information in the Publications section of the Museum website, accessible through this link.

It is necessary to emphasize the comments of the main author, Michael Cole, that can be read in its web following this link.

A review of this book written by Joan Josep Gutiérrez can be accessed following this link.

2019 05 29: The Museu de la Música publishes a book about its Zumpe & Buntebart square piano2020-04-28T15:42:48+02:00

2019 05 17: Extraordinary Doctorate Prize for the flautist Montserrat Gascón

The flautist Montserrat Gascón has received the Extraordinary Doctorate Prize for her thesis “Une flûte en cristal. Claude Laurent’s glass flutes (1774-1849)” at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. According to his thesis, Claude Laurent was one of the greatest flute constructors of the nineteenth century and his incomparable instruments. Laurent was a decisive character for the evolution of wind instruments, unjustly unknown at present. His great contribution was not only the use of glass in order to solve problems with changes in humidity and temperature, but the introduction of a new sound and its technical innovations. Thus, the new system for fixing the mechanism in the tube, which was universally extended and which we still use today in most wind-wood instruments, allowed the adoption of complex mechanisms, such as the patented one by Theobald Boehm in 1832.
Gascón forms a duet with Marina Rodríguez Brià and has participated as a speaker in two of the courses organized at the University of Barcelona (Els Juliols i Gaudir UB) in collaboration with the AMCB.
From here, our most cordial congratulations.
2019 05 17: Extraordinary Doctorate Prize for the flautist Montserrat Gascón2020-04-28T15:42:48+02:00

2019 05 13: The project “Giving life to the historical pianos of Catalonia” selected by Impulsa Cultura 2019

Our project “Giving life to the historical pianos of Catalonia” has been selected by the Fundació Catalunya Cultura within its private sponsorship program Impulsa Cultura 2019. From the AMCB we trust to be deserving of the confidence of the companies and entities committed to the Cultural and artistic training in our country. You can see the ad at the following link.

2019 05 13: The project “Giving life to the historical pianos of Catalonia” selected by Impulsa Cultura 20192020-04-28T15:42:48+02:00

Clementi composer of the month at the Carolina Music Museum

January 2019

The Carolina Music Museum, Greenville, South Carolina, United States, features Clementi as composer of the month for January 2019.

At the same time, the Museum features as the instrument of the month a square piano from Longman, Clementi & Co built around 1799.

The Carolina Music Museum is the home for the world-famous Carolina Clavier Collection—more than 40 English, European, and American pianos and harpsichords dating from 1570 to 1845

Clementi composer of the month at the Carolina Music Museum2020-04-28T15:42:49+02:00

Installation of a plaque to record the stay of Clementi in Lichfield

4th July 2018

Lichfield, Hedgehog InnTowards the end of his life Clementi lived in Lichfield, England. His former home is now an Inn now called the Hedgehog. Lichfield Civic Society and the owners of the Inn are organising the installation of a plaque to record his stay in Lichfield on the outside of the building. The plaque will be unveiled on 4 July 2018 at 7.00pm, with  some refreshments and some music.

Installation of a plaque to record the stay of Clementi in Lichfield2020-04-28T15:43:23+02:00

Pianist and musicologist Rohan Stewart-MacDonald passes away


Pianist and musicologist Rohan Stewart-MacDonald dies in an accident at the age of 42. He was a well-known Muzio Clementi scholar and author of:

New Perspectives on the Keyboard Sonatas of Muzio Clementi. Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, 2006 (Quaderni Studi Clementiani II).

Pianist and musicologist Rohan Stewart-MacDonald passes away2020-04-28T15:43:24+02:00
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