Muzio Clementi, The Father of the Pianoforte
From November 9 to 24, 2018
Municipal Conservatory of Music of Barcelona
Carrer Bruc 110-112 (eixample)
A journey through the life and work of a great musician, essential in the history of the piano.
The exhibition is complemented by a look at the history of this instrument.

CONCERTS DE TARDOR: october 5, 2018


The recital “CLEMENTI and FRIENDS” took place on Friday October 5, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. at the Chamber of the Atlants of the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona, organized by the Muzio Clementi Association of Barcelona with the collaboration of the Royal Artistic Circle.

Marina Rodríguez performed the following program:

  • Muzio Clementi (1752-1832). Sonata in G minor, op.34 no. 2
  • Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812). Within a Mile of Edinburgh
  • John Field (1782-1837). Nocturn in B flat major
  • Johann Baptist Cramer (1771-1858). Le petit rien Varied romance
  • Muzio Clementi (1752-1832). Sonata in C major, op.37 no. 1
  • and as bis, the Six russian arias of Clementi

A full report of this recital can be read here (in catalan)

The concert of Marina Rodríguez is part of the cycle Our guests, from the Royal Artistic Circle.

CONCERTS DE TARDOR: october 5, 20182020-04-28T15:42:49+02:00

CONCERTS DE TARDOR: September 30, 2018

On Sunday, September 30th, a recital by the piano and historical keyboards player Michael Tsalka ​​took place at the Museu de la Música de Barcelona, organized by the Muzio Clementi Association of Barcelona jointly with the Museum. Under the title “A different look to the roots of romanticism,” Tsalka made a tour of an unusual repertoire with special instruments: the Christian Zell clavicord (Hamburg, 1737) and the pianos Zumpe & Buntebart (London, 1776) and Miguel Slocker (Madrid, 1831). The concept of the program was based on piano composers precursors or prefiguring romanticism, such as Scarlatti, Clementi, Ries and Moscheles.

Once the program was finished, a surprise was still reserved. Tsalka invited the public to move to the museum hall where there is the piano by Frederic Mompou, in which he played a bis from this composer and another from Cécile Cheminade. With the assistants arranged randomly around the piano and in a cozy shadow, a special atmosphere was created that closed the recital with an unbeatable flavor.

The concert of Michael Tsalka opened the 2018-2019 concert season of La Música del Museu, Original Instruments in Bones Mans

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CONCERTS DE TARDOR: September 30, 20182020-04-28T15:42:49+02:00

Installation of a plaque to record the stay of Clementi in Lichfield

4th July 2018

Lichfield, Hedgehog InnTowards the end of his life Clementi lived in Lichfield, England. His former home is now an Inn now called the Hedgehog. Lichfield Civic Society and the owners of the Inn are organising the installation of a plaque to record his stay in Lichfield on the outside of the building. The plaque will be unveiled on 4 July 2018 at 7.00pm, with  some refreshments and some music.

Installation of a plaque to record the stay of Clementi in Lichfield2020-04-28T15:43:23+02:00


Do you have a Clementi or Collard square piano, grand piano or upright piano? Do you know anybody who has one?

The Muzio Clementi Association of Barcelona, in collaboration with the Museu de la Música de Barcelona, wants to contribute to musicological research through the study of the pianos of these brands that can be found in Catalonia, but also of contemporary instruments, either in private or public collections. The study is extended to the approximate period between 1780 and 1850.

If you wish to collaborate with us, send us the information on the piano you are referring to and some photography in our email and we will get in touch with you. At the same time, if you want, we can advise you in relation to your instrument.

Needless to say, the search is done with absolute respect for the confidentiality of your data.

Piano search results


TIANA 2018 OPENING CONCERT “Voices of wood and crystal”

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The Tiana Antica 2018 Festival opened May 26 with the concert “Voices of wood and crystal”, by Marina Rodríguez Brià, with a square piano Collard & Collard, late Clementi, Collard & Collard of 1843, and Montserrat Gascón, with a glass flute by Claude Laurent of 1823.

The program included works by Clementi, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Drouet, Meyerbeer and Dussek, all of them related in some way to the historical instruments that were presented.

TIANA 2018 OPENING CONCERT “Voices of wood and crystal”2020-04-28T15:43:23+02:00


The Association visited La Masia d’en Cabanyes in Vilanova i La Geltrú, a house-museum where the romantic poet Manuel de Cabanyes lived. Currently it houses the Center of Interpretation of the Romanticism that takes its name. Among the family legacy, with original 19th century rooms, objects and period decorations, you can admire the piano Clementi & Co. that is in the hall of the dome, object of the visit of the AMCB.

You can read more about this visit by following this link.



On 17 March 17 2018, Catalunya Música interviewed Marina Rodríguez Brià to talk about the Muzio Clementi, the Father of the Pianoforte exhibition, which was held at the Foyer of the Palau de la Música Catalana and was organized by the Maria Canals International Music Competition and the Muzio Clementi Association of Barcelona, with the support of the Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana. The interview appeared in the programme “The Workshop of Lutier”, conducted by Pere-Andreu Jariod. Here you can listen to the audio.

AMCB a Catalunya Música

INTERVIEW AT CATALUNYA MÚSICA2020-04-28T15:43:24+02:00


Muzio Clementi per Carme

Muzio Clementi, The Father of the Pianoforte

Palau de la Música Catalana

Barcelona, from March 9 to 23, 2018

The Muzio Clementi Association of Barcelona, in collaboration with the Maria Canals International Music Competition of Barcelona, will present the exhibition “Muzio Clementi, The Father of the Pianoforte” at the Foyer of the Palau de la Música Catala

A brief but intense journey through the path of the multifaceted and fascinating Muzio Clementi (1752-1832) through his facets of man, musician and entrepreneur.

Buried in the Abbey of Westminter with the inscription: “Muzio Clementi, called The Father of the Pianoforte”. The exhibition could not fail to include a review of the history of the piano,completed with the exhibition of a historic fortepiano Collard & Collard. Late Clementi, Collard & Collard.

Free access during the opening hours of the Palau.


Exhibition organized by:

  • María Canals International Music Competition (MCB)
  • Muzio Clementi Association of Barcelona (AMCB)

With the collaboration of: Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana

Commissioner: Marina Rodríguez Brià

Content design: Joan Josep Gutiérrez and Marina Rodríguez Brià

Portrait of Muzio Clementi: Collage and oil on canvas, 146 × 114. Author: Carme Magem, 2018

Square Fortepiano: Collard & Collard, late Clementi, Collard & Collard. London 1843. Private collection.

Translation to English: Catherine Hart

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